Daily deal Loop all around vest one of the cult favorites 135.00 on sale now 75.oo med/large or large /XLarge olive green/grey fast dry material neo-yoke great look call rial today 18004103133
While flying “Map of the Earth” over the Kola Peninsula, we flew over an elite military unit (or so we thought). They were wearing Green/Black Coats, Grey/Black waders and Black Beret’s and hauling ass across the tundra.
Sixty seconds later we landed and aboard came these crazy Swedish fly fishermen. I told them that we though they were Army. They laughed and said they were, “We are the Loop Army”.
That was July 2003 and Joe Roope and I never forgot that chance encounter and we made it a point to track them down.
We joined the Loop Army shortly after and have been on the front lines ever since.
Beautiful vest