Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tarpon Time

A few mutilated images from our recent trip to test out the new Loop Opti Salt rods.


  1. Nice work. That has got to be a rush hooking into a fish that big.

  2. I agree and hope to someday go tarpon fishing. the closest I have come was hooking a small tuna in Mexico a few years ago. No jumps, but it kicked my ass. The photo effects are real nice


  3. Hey TJ, I have had my butt kicked more then once by Tuna in Baja. Not a lot of fun fighting a fish that is straight below the boat in 300 feet of water. Even though tarpon are amazingly strong fish, if you fish for them in the flats they will jump themselves out, verse diving to deep water. I have hooked big tarpon in deep water and it was not a good time..

    Florida is hard to beat when it comes to tarpon fishing, and the cost is pretty reasonable if you share the boat with somebody else.

    Good luck
